Why Juicing is the next big beauty trend in 2022
We are what we eat, literally. In recent years juicing has become the latest trend not only in the fitness industry but also in the skincare world. How often have you combed the shelves of the beauty department looking for the ultimate solution to perfect skin? While there are many quick fix creams and lotions out there that can provide a temporary glow, nothing can compare to renewing your skin from the inside out.
The benefits of juicing for your skin are plentiful. What you put into your body is reflected in your skin. Juicing fruits and vegetables will help you get the nutrients your body needs to flush out unwanted toxins and help with everything from acne to anti-aging.
Combining juicing with a good all-natural skincare routine will help you get the perfect skin you’ve always wanted. We have put together ten juicing tips for any skin concerns so
whatever are your skin concerns, it’s time to juice them away!
Aūxacann Top ten Tips
TIP#1 Hemp and CBD green powder
The purest green drink with the greatest health benefits. It is high in Calcium, Zinc, B12 Vitamin A Vitamin E, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium, and Iron and it naturally contains CBD Extract. Hemp has a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition. Hemp juice promotes optimal health and helps reduce the risk of disease. Kim Kardashian West one of the best – know celebrities in the world once said that she loves CBD. She has gone on record multiple times saying that she is obsessed with CBD beauty products and green powder. She has even gone so far as to host a CBD - themed baby shower, to help educate her friends and family about what it can do for you.
TIP#2 Kale
Kale contains carotenoids, along with other vitamins and nutrients. Kale is rich in phytonutrients, which helps aid the liver in detoxification - meaning the liver can perform better and not outsource elimination of toxins to the skin.
TIP#3 Celery
Celery is hydrating and alkalizing veggie is rich in trace mineral silica. Silica supports the collagen production in the skin.
TIP#4 Lemon
Lemon juice is highly alkalizing, meaning that it aids in digestion and detoxication, which are beneficial to the skin in the long run.
TIP#5 Beets
Beets are known for their ability to heal damaged liver cells, through phytonutrients known as battalions. A healthy functioning liver can prevent dry, itchy, red skin, acne, dull or aging skin.
TIP#6 Collagen
Consider mixing collagen powder into your morning juice or smoothie, too. "Collagen holds us together – it makes up 30% of the body’s protein and 70 % of the skin’s protein.
Collagen is a great way to keep your skin, hair, nails, and bones healthy and vibrant.
TIP#7 Kale
Kale, which is an incredibly effective anti-inflammatory food, is an excellent source of nutrition, including vitamins A, C, K, E, B1, B2, and B3; calcium; beta-carotene; phosphorous; iron; copper; magnesium; omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids; and the carotenoid lutein. Vitamin A content promotes the repair and maintenance of the skin, and the omega-3 fatty acids add to its anti-inflammatory properties.
TIP#8 Ginger
Ginger is a powerful ingredient that can be added to any juice to increase the health benefits and support your immune system. This root is supercharged to reduce inflammation and contains nutrients like magnesium, potassium, manganese, and vitamin B6, along with antioxidants.
TIP#9 Apple
Apples are great for preventing cell and tissue damage, wrinkles, and aging. An apple a day not only keeps the doctor away but will also make your skin glow!
TIP#10 Storage
The juice is best enjoyed right away but if you want to drink it later, store in the fridge at all times! It should last for up to 48 hours from juicing, but we recommend drinking it within 24 hours.