What is Botox and why it has become latest trend?

It sounds way scarier than it is. Botulinum toxin is popularly known as Botox. Botox is the trade name for the active drug made by the company Allergan. There are other forms of Botulinum toxin including Azzalure and Bocouture available in the Uk. Botox is the most popular and widely used and I shall refer to this, moving forward, simply for convenience. Botox is a synthetically made protein that is injected most commonly into the forehead, frown and eye area to treat wrinkles and lines at these sites. Yes, super glamorous.  Its most basic action is to block nerve transmission to muscles causing temporary weakness. Wrinkles and lines become smoother or disappear altogether as a consequence. Botox (when handled by a trained professional) can help with a lot of cosmetic and medical issues from wrinkles to decreasing excessive sweating and reducing a ‘gummy’ smile.

There has been a shift in how women and their faces look in their 20s. This is a new generation, and many would agree on one thing, the impact of social media, from selfies to crafted Snapchat to Instagram Stories, YouTube videos, and retouched photographs in magazines cannot be underestimated. But as any good dermatologist will note, there is a caveat: When it comes to Botox and filler, there's a fine line between targeted tweaks and doing too much too soon.


Intense Recovery HydraLift serum will stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as visibly brightening the complexion and balancing skin tone. It's basically botox in the bottle.


How much Botox should you have and how often?

Of course, it's individual from person to person, but the common industry average would be around 20 units for forehead wrinkles, and between two to ten units for crow’s feet.  Many experts say “The depth of the lines is not the issue. The strength of the muscle determines how much you need.” Botox injections do not work immediately, and initial effects can be noted from between frothy -eight to seventy-two hours later. And the lasting effect is very individual person to person, but approximately up to 3-4 months.


Are Derma fillers the same as Botox?

No, they are not the same. Fillers and Botox are different things. Fillers work to “fill” in lines and restore volume loss. Botox, on the other hand, works to relax the muscles that cause those lines. As we age, collagen and elastin in the skin break down. At the same time, the fat compartment loses volume and becomes thinner, particularly in the upper half of the face. The volume loss cannot be addressed by Botox and requires dermal fillers to fill or plump out the areas that have effectively become deflated. There are different types of dermal filler on the market including products containing hyaluronic acid. These have increased in popularity over the years because they are non-permanent but long-lasting, cause few allergies and can be reversible and dissolved if necessary.


Can you fix bad Botox?

Unfortunately, you cannot. Unlike hyaluronic fillers that can be dissolved with an injection of hyaluronidase, if Botox goes wrong there’s no fix, you need to wait it out. And yes, you can have too much Botox! That’s why we always recommend seeking qualified and trained professionals or Doctors to have your treatment done.


Does Botox give me good skin?

Unfortunately, not. Botox only works on muscles it's injected into. Having Botox will not improve your skin concerns such as pigmentation, breakouts and dehydrated skin. Don’t skip your skincare routine. To maintain healthy skin and Botox use a serum booster. It will keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Some of the dermatologist's favourite Serum is a combination of CBD and Vitamin C ingredients.

How about a side effect?

The common side effects of Botox include brushing and swelling and a feeling of heaviness, but on rare occasions, problems with droopy eyebrows can occur with forehead injections.
In truth, Botox is a straightforward and very safe procedure in the right hands.

Benefits of having Botox

As well as smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles Botox can even tighten pores. Overall your skin will look fresher, smoother and tighter.




Team Aūxacann


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