You only have one skin you live in for rest of your life, so if theirs is one thing you should do, its take care of it and treat it with the respect. Skin is the largest organ on your body, and it makes up 15% of your body weight - looking after it is super important. We all know that there are certain things we shouldn’t do to our skin, but we do them anyway. We have put together five tips which you should avoid during the summertime.
TIP#1: Our skin is expose to a lot of sun during the summertime therefore there is not much of point to concentrate on intense treatments for hyperpigmentation, as heat already stimulates it, and the results may not be optimal.
TIP#2: Don’t have invasive procedures during this time because the healing process is slower in extreme climates, again, wait until the fall or spring. Save deep exfoliation for the evening.
TIP3#: Not protecting your skin from the Sun
I know its sound like cliché, but it’s true, not protecting our skin from UVA rays (long wave ultraviolet) and UVB rays (short wave ultraviolet) can cause serious damage for long and short term. UVB rays are dangerous especially in the summer because it affects the most superficial layers of the Epidermis, it may cause skin burns and it is linked to skin cancer. So, we attend to use stronger of SPF 50 during the summertime. UVA rays are constant, all year around and it penetrate deeper into Dermis so don’t burn/ damage surface of the skin, however they will leave more permanent damage a such skin ageing. UVA rays can pass through glass windows and clouds all year round. Don’t thing you don’t need to use any SPF protection during the winter. Using an SPF 15-30 all year around over your daily moisturiser is essential to protect your skin. The sun is responsible for 90 % of how your skin ages. Yes, you heard it right 90 %. And how about genetic? Yes, genetics play a part, but so does sunblock!
TIP#4: Consuming too much coffee and alcohol
We love our morning coffee and evening glass of red vine but true is if we are not sensible with caffeine and alcohol it can have such a bad effect on your skin health and complexion. Nothing worse than dehydrated, dull looking skin. Every time you consume something whether it is food, vitamins, or fizzy drinks, you are making a decision to either nourish, deprive or even neglect your body and skin. Alcohol isn’t the only one who dehydrate your skin, caffeine has similar effects on the body and other organs such a liver, and when the liver doesn’t function, it can lead to dehydrated, wrinkle and premature ageing skin. Other experts believe that coffee is beneficial to your skin when applied topically.
TIP#5: Never use too much soap during the summer
When it comes to getting clean and washing your face more soap is not better especially during the hot weather when your skin could be more dry. Your skin is your body’s protection from the outside world, and healthy, intact skin forms an impressive barrier. When we strip down the natural components of this barrier, which we can do using too much soap and of course aggressively scrubbing, you increase the risk of infections and skin disease and flares in general.”
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